An open letter to the Trump Administration
An open letter to Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, and the rest of the Trump Administration officials currently bungling the US response to the coronavirus.
Telling it like it is since 2020
An open letter to Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, and the rest of the Trump Administration officials currently bungling the US response to the coronavirus.
We can win together if we try. We will lose together if we don’t.
Trump burns every bridge he crosses, and this causes him to rack up detractors, bad publicity, and latent criminal liability at a breakneck pace.
Make America Great Again may as well have been Make America White Again, given the obvious bias and baggage the slogan has always carried with it.
The WSJ’s bad-faith attempt to blame “both sides” for Trump’s ongoing effort to sabotage the post office is exactly what’s wrong with mainstream media coverage of politics.
The idea that all serious media outlets must present “balanced” (i.e. opposing) views on every single topic they cover is inherently flawed and extremely problematic.
Biden/Harris is fine but it should always have been Warren.
The American Health Insurance system has been deliberately designed, in the most obnoxiously complex and labyrinthine way possible, to cow you into submission and dissuade you from ever seeking care of any kind. It should be burned to the ground and rebuilt from scratch.
To the extent that we can eschew talking points and instead base our arguments on principles, we give ourselves a much better chance of finding common ground based on shared values and beliefs.