Trump Is Trying to Stop You From Voting, and the WSJ is Lying To You About It

Trump Is Trying to Stop You From Voting, and the WSJ is Lying To You About It

No, Alexa Corse for the Wall Street Journal, it is not the case that “the White House and Democrats are divided over how to fix the Postal Service.” This is not an issue where “both sides” have an equal claim to the moral high ground, and where it is acceptable for you to pretend that the source of the conflict is a disagreement over policy and process. 

Your slanted, misleading coverage of this urgent matter completely ignores the reality of the situation, which is that Trump, via his recently installed Postmaster General Puppet Louis DeJoy, is doing his damnedest to wreck the USPS and prevent it from doing its job. His obvious motivation here, as he himself has stated publicly, is to prevent citizens from lawfully casting their ballots, both by hamstringing and also by gradually dismantling an institution with a 91% public approval rate. (Perhaps you are unaware, but this is just one of many strategies he and his treasonous minions are currently employing to make voting as difficult as possible for as many people as they can. There is a clear pattern to their behavior, and you cannot fail to see it if you look honestly at what they are doing.)

Of course the Democrats, the states, and assorted people of good faith across the country are fighting these attempts to disenfranchise millions of voters, and of course they are trying to fix the problems that Trump and DeJoy have created and are continuing to create. That’s what good government and moral rectitude looks like; apparently you’re just so cynical and jaded that you either don’t or can’t see it. Or maybe you consciously choose not to because it would burst the little partisan bubble that you hide within to prevent yourself from being exposed to facts of the non-alternative variety.

If you had a shred of journalistic integrity or an ounce of concern for the sanctity of our democracy, you would describe this crisis in accurate terms, rather than hamfistedly trying to force it into your flawed and disingenuous both-sides narrative. 

If you cared more about preserving the bedrock rights and freedoms upon which this country was built than you obviously do about keeping the ad money flowing and pleasing your partisan readers, you would swear off your insistence on presenting fake balance and strive for at least some modicum of intellectual honesty in your coverage. 

If you weren’t so insistent on trying to help your side win at all costs, you would dig deep, grab hold of whatever intestinal fortitude you still possess, and come out swinging against this egregious and repugnant behavior from the corrupt husk of a man who has the sacred responsibility, in his current elected capacity, to be democracy’s greatest champion.

And at the very least, if you cared at all about the integrity of our elections and the fundamental, constitutionally enshrined right of every American citizen to cast their ballot without interference from their supposed leader and his cronies, you would file this garbage under the Opinion section of your site or better yet shop it to Breitbart, Red State, or some other depraved purveyor of partisan nonsense. 

Your deliberate misinterpretation, omission, and presumably intentional ignorance of the relevant facts on the ground renders your bad-faith coverage of this matter completely undeserving of being described as “News,” and both you and your editors should be ashamed of your attempt to pass it off as such. 

Do some research, do some soul-searching, and do better. Or, better yet, pack up your laptop, turn in your badge, and do nothing, because what you’re currently doing is harming the country and ruining what’s left of your (and your employer’s) credibility.